Friday, February 10, 2012

February 9, 2012 How Big is this Frickin' State?

We left Wamego at 5:30 a.m.  - an hour later than CB told me we would leave.  However, I think the reality of actually trying to get my ass out of bed at that ungodly hour was more that even he could bear. 

We drove for awhile and left Kansas.  Then we drove for awhile and left Oklahoma.  Then we drove FOREVER and were still in Texas.  The road never ended and we were still in Texas.  You have to feel a little sorry for that miserable state since they are responsible for both Dubya Bush and Rick Perry.

Anyway, we got to Waco and decided to keep heading towards Port Aransas - site of this year's Tribunal - and got to some town that I can't remember the name of (The Czech Capital of Texas) where we decided to spend the night. 

We stopped at a motel and the gentleman who was clearly the owner and lived in the apartment behind the front desk, when asked what the rate was, took one look at me and said "With the senior citizen discount it's $55."  SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT?  Is he kidding me?  I don't look a day over... oh wait.  Yeah, I guess he was dead on.

Here's the sign from the front door:

 Heaven forbid someone would want to use the night window in the day time.

While the sign said "Executive Inn and Suites", the cups in the bathroom said "Holiday Inn Express", the soap said "Casino Grand" and the lotion and shampoo was from some other off brand motel chain.

I stayed up late finishing the Tribunal Trivia game (I never feel like I have enough questions when I am writing them, but when I am cutting them apart and putting them on index cards, I always have too many!)and CB fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.  It mattered not at all that I had the lights and TV on and that the folks next door were watching something on their TV that was so important they wanted to share it with the neighborhood!

Driving across the state of Texas can suck the life right out of you.

And listening to me babble all that way doesn't help much either.