We left San Antonio at 4:30 a.m. I'm sure you want to know how I got out of bed so early. Last night, I got directions to the nearest
Krispy Kreme donut shop. They're open 24 hours a day, you know.
Just so you really know, THEY ARE NOT OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY. THEY DON'T OPEN UNTIL 5:30. Shit. I knew CB wouldn't wait around for the place to open - - sort of defeats the idea of getting an early start, doesn't it?
No worries, we just took off in the dark of night and in fog that was like pea soup.

When we got home, I thought I should take a picture of the back seat and the trunk of my car.

Why in the world did I think we needed all this crap?
Oh, I know why. It's because it was a Tribunal.

And a Tribunal requires a lot of crap.