It was raining. The sea was angry. The beach was deserted. It was great! CB, Roger and Karin were so patient with me. They told me to take my time and enjoy my time at the beach.
Which I did!
Roger taught us how to play Liar's Dice - a game he invented and changes the rules to as it suits him. No, I mean it. He would tell me one thing, then when I was about to beat his ass, he'd change the rule. Karin and I both saw this numerous times. CB says it never happened.
Who you gonna believe?
Anyway, we were playing this game, drinking, yelling, laughing, swearing - when the electricity went off! There we were in the dark. But we weren't down for long - - everyone went and got their flash lights (oh, note to self, travel with CB because he had THREE flashlights!) and we continued to party!
This picture looks like it was taken with the lights on, but I can promise you that it was in the dark!
This picture looks like it was taken with the lights on, but I can promise you that it was in the dark!
About 2 hours after we went to sleep, we were awakened by every light in the place coming on along with the radio!
Today was full of laughs.
Some of them were not about me.