Friday, February 3, 2012

February 2, 2012 A Fun Request

There I was, sitting in my office, minding my own business (like always) when my friend, Andrew, popped in to see me.

We chatted about Christmas Break, about this being his last semester and having a bad case of Senioritis, about his fraternity, about lots of stuff.

There was a bit of a lull in the conversation at one point.  I figured Andrew would make a break for it. 

But he didn't, he said he had something to ask me.

"Go ahead", I said.

"Well," said Andrew, "I was wondering, do you have a picture for your blog today?"

I told him that I didn't. 

He sort of smiled and asked if he could be today's picture.

Of course!  Naturally!  You bet!

So, here's my buddy, Andrew - - and not for the last time, I'm sure.  He frequently shows up around lunch time....