This is Evie (pronounced Eee-Vee), short for Evelyn. She's about 3 months old and the best baby in the universe. She cried once during my visit and quieted only when I rocked her. That's right, I've got still got the touch.
Mom is a K State graduate who many years ago wandered into my office telling me that she wanted to go to law school. Jennifer asked if she could hang out with me to see what lawyering was all about. A fast friendship was formed and we've been buddies ever since.
Jennifer is one of those people who will accomplish whatever she sets her mind to. She's articulate, smart, funny, liberal and focused. While she didn't go to law school right after college (she got a great job and got married instead - both of which are pretty good alternatives!) she is still considering law as a career.
When she starts law school, her peers better watch out because this woman is driven and will work twice as hard as anyone else in her class...while raising a baby and managing a house and husband. Not that her husband needs managing, but he IS a man, after all.
You know the kind of friendship where no matter how long it's been since you've seen each other, you pick up where you left off? That's what Jennifer and I have. Yes, I'm old enough to be her mother; in fact, I'm older than her mother, but whatever kind of relationship we have, it works for us and has stood the test of time.
Now I have another generation to influence. I was holding Evie and telling her that I had so many things to teach her and I could see out of the corner of my eye her dad cringing! I'm sure he wonders what kind of nonsense I'll be filling her head with.
He'll have to wait and see!
Evie, you have a wonderful mother and you'll be around to watch her do very great things. Enjoy the ride! You are a lucky little girl.
I'll be honored to watch you grow up and help when I can.