Saturday was cold (according to Port
Aransas standards!) but a cold day at the beach is better than a great day anywhere else! We went out for breakfast and there was a guy outside the cafe working on this wonderful sand sculpture.

We paid him $5 to add "
Jayhawk Towers" to the village.
Then we went to my favorite shop in the world. It's called "Gratitude" and it is full of wonderful stuff. I always buy cards here....and I try to plan ahead for a year or two. My favorite thing? A signed campaign sign from Barack Obama.

Then it was off to the Wild Horse Saloon to watch the
KU game. Because it's a Tribunal Tradition, we took all kinds of decorations to the bar with us. In case you think that we sat quietly, you're mistaken! We ate, we drank, we yelled, we "Rock Chalked
Jayhawked". It was great!

The evening came and it was time for the 7
th Tribunal. My other brother, Tribunal name "DJ", appeared by
Skype so it was almost like having him there in person.

In case you are wondering, the Judge is wearing a jock strap hat, my Tribunal name is "
CICPA" and
SportsCenter is playing on the TV.
Due to my sensitive nature, there are no photos of the hours we spent in the hot tub!