Thursday, December 27, 2012

December 12, 2012 Where Were You in '72?

I dare you to find a Nixon bumper sticker in a state other than Kansas. 

As a public service, I left a note under the windshield wiper of this car reminding the driver that Richard Nixon was a liar, a cheat, the second worst president of all time (of course Dubya Bush was the worst. Ever.) and resigned in disgrace. 

Maybe they either didn't know or had forgotten.  Since I work at a university I am first and foremost a teacher.

It was the least I could do.

December 6 - 8, 2012 Where Have You Been?

You know how I'm originally from Dodge City?  That means that my parents lived there with me.  For a long, long time.

Sixty years ago, back when my mom was a young 'un, she and some other young women formed a study club.  The dues were $5.00 a year (I am not kidding), there were only to be 24 members at a time, and you had to pay a dime if you missed a meeting.   The club is still going and are having a 60th anniversary luncheon.  Which Momma wants to attend. 

So, off she and went to Dodge City for a long weekend.  The weather was beautiful; warm and sunny, just like the first of December should be.  We packed for snow and summer because we know how fickle the weather in western Kansas can be.

We stayed in the local Best Western that had quite an Old Dodge City feel.  In fact, they had light fixtures that promoted the Dodge City Posse Comitatus.  Take a moment and google "posse comitatus".  You will find that they are a crazy vigilante group who believe that the local sheriff is the highest valid government official and that other officials, district judges for example, should be hung.  Oh yeah.  You read that right.  The Posse was big when my dad was on the bench and they caused him more than one sleepless night. 

My hometown. 

We headed home on Saturday no worse for the wear.  Except that Mom had lost her voice and felt like she was getting a cold.  Keep this in mind.  And don't blame me for not taking it more seriously.


Sunday, December 2, 2012

December 1, 2012 Christmas is Coming

Luke and I had a great time decorating for Christmas.   Lots of fun unwrapping the ornaments and reminiscing about Christmas' past.  The Christmas tree skirt and DecemBear wall hanging are 31 years old.  My mom made then for Luke on his first Christmas and they are as much a part of our tradition as putting cookies out for Santa.

My stepmother made the Nativity scene for me.  Luke hasn't taken the Baby Jesus from the manger, but he will soon.  The baby will appear on Christmas morning as if by magic!

It was a perfect day - capped by pizza and a Kansas State football victory.

I love Saturdays.

November 30, 2012 30 Days

This morning I spent in the office of an orthopedic doctor in Manhattan. 

Good news, there is a plan for my ankle.

Bad news, the plan includes soaking my ankle in ice water three times a day for ten minutes a pop.

Can I just say that ice water is freaking cold?  Shit.  Guess that's why it's called ice water, what with the ice cubes and all.

Can I also say that if you scream a swear word at the top of your lungs at the moment of immersion, the shock is not quite as bad? 

I'm thinking that my next injury - and you know there will be one - is going to be one that requires only heat.  Lots and lots of heat.  And alcohol. 

Other elements of the new plan include a new prescription, more physical therapy (Christmas guaranteed for Heartland Physical Therapy - except that they have to listen to me whine), and continuing with the walking boot.

I go back in 30 days.  If I am better, then we stay the course.  If not, then we schedule a surgery I can't pronouce. 

At least we have a plan.  And I love a good plan.

November 29, 2012 Spell Check

 Carved into the paint in the trunk of this car is the following:

I'm not spedding 
I'm quallfing

My first thought?  Before you engrave something permanently on your car or you body, make sure you have the correct spelling.  Spedding?  Are you kidding me?

My second thought?  I wonder how long I can follow this car before it has to stop at a stoplight so I can snap a photo.

My third thought?  I hope the driver is not armed.