Saturday, June 30, 2012

June 27, 2012 Luke's Big Day

First it was CB's golf cart.

Then CB's Pontiac.

Then our Sable.

Next, my Mazda died.

After that it was Luke's Toyota.

We were rapidly running out of vehicles for Luke to murder.

This afternoon we found a 2000 Grand Am which was in our price range (CHEAP!) with working air conditioning!  Luke got a new used car and he is happy as a pig in shit.

He told me that he needs to clean it out so he can get his own dirt in it. If the past predicts the future, it won't take long.

They just don't ever grow up, do they?

Just because Luke happened to be behind the wheel when these vehicles broke down, this doesn't mean that he's hard on cars, it just means that he has bad luck!

June 23, 2012 Hot Son of a Bitch

Since I am still crippled (but getting better, I promise), Luke went with me to run some errands this morning.   Even after nearly 3 months, Luke is still patient about hauling me around and helping me with chores.

We went to the local hardware store and while I was waiting in the car for Luke to do whatever it was I was having him do, I thought I should take a photo of the time and temp sign.

I know you can't see the time or the temp on this sign, but my camera allows me to zoom in on the photo so I can tell you that it was 11:56 a.m. and it was 99 degrees.

It seems a bit early to be commenting on the weather, but then again, it is June.  And this is Kansas.

Oh, and Buddy was home on the couch.

No shit.

June 22, 2012 Color Palate

It's been awhile since I took a picture while I was speeding down the highway, but today I risked my life for this photo and I hope you are all tickled pink about my devotion.

There is nothing quite as beautiful as a field of golden wheat butting up against an expanse of growing green corn as far as the eye can see.  I love how the line between the two is straight as an arrow as if a pane of glass divided the two.

The scenery of Kansas is full of hidden beauty.  You might miss it if you don't pay attention.

The politics of Kansas is full of shit, on full view.   You couldn't miss it if you tried.

June 20, 2012 Letter from my Dad

I know I should save this post for Christmas, since this letter was written on Christmas Day of 1989, but I found it today and wanted to share it.  Maybe thinking about Christmas will make us feel cooler...what do you think?

From the time I went to college in 1975 until shortly before he died in 2002, my dad wrote to me each week.  I saved many of the letters and occasionally I will come upon them while cleaninng or shifting books or going through files.

I found this one in my desk at work.  I smiled when I read it and I cried when I read it.

Here's part of what he wrote:  "Thanks for the plant, photographs and donation.  they were all so thoughtful. But most of all, thank you and God bless you for your unyielding support for me.  I know at times I have been a trial."

The letter goes on: "One thing for sure, i want you to never, never lose your values and zest for life and nevergive up the good fight to right injustice and help those who can't help themselves."

But here's what gets me most:  "Merry Christmas to you all and may the new year bring us all peace and love for one another.  I guess if I had a wish, it would be that the hungry would be fed, the homeless would have homes , the violence ended and the wealth more evenly distributed."

Oh yeah.  That's my dad.

June 19, 2012 Dog Days of Summer

Buddy has the right idea - chill on the couch and let Mother Nature do whatever she wants to do outside!

The only time Buddy gets off the couch is when he wants to eat whoever is knocking at the front door or if one of his "parents" comes in the back door.

Sometimes he goes on a walk about around the house, but he always seems to end up back on the couch.

Look closely, he has his legs crossed which always makes me smile.  It's like his legs are trying to be  polite - or as polite as a dog on the couch can be.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

June 18, 2012 You Have Got to be Kidding Me.

You will not believe this.....ever since the middle of April, I've been having pain in my left foot.  Keep in mind that my right knee is the one that was replaced so my left leg has been doing double time for many months.

I didn't say anything to anyone because I was having so much fun complaining about my knee.  Who wanted to hear about my foot?  Well, the pain in my foot got so bad I could barely walk and that's saying something from someone who on her best day could barely walk.

So, I called my foot doctor - who I have not had to see for 3 years - and went to see him this morning.  It appears that I have plantar's facitis (I have no idea how it's spelled.  Sue me.) and I have to wear inserts in my shoes to treat it.  And rub some ointment on my foot.  And take some pain medication.

In 2009, I had a bout with PF and it about killed me (that was before I learned what real pain was like) but once I started using the inserts I was cured.  I wonder if walking bare/stocking foot exacerbated that potential for PF.  Don't know, but I'm glad I am getting it treated.

About my foot doctor:  he's a cutie and he's a hoot.  He agreed with my assessment of my orthopedic doctor.  He told me about a patient who wanted a handicapped placard due to an ingrown toenail.  He laughed at my stories and didn't flinch at my language.  (Oh, that's another thing my dad gave me:  the ability to swear.  Really swear, like a para-trooper.  I can hang with the big boys in that department.)

So, until all the pieces work together and heal my foot, then my knee, I shall continue to hobble and walk like the Hunchback of Notre Dame.  The worst thing is having to plan traveling time to get to the ladies room, but  that could be too much information.

And I am not one to give too much information.

Am I?

June 17, 2012 What My Dad Gave Me

Here's a list of things my dad gave me:

The 3rd toe on my left foot.  See how it's kind of deformed?  That's what my dad's toes looked like.  Even Emily noticed when she was trimming my talons, I mean, my toes.

My thick hair.  Dad was bald for most of his adult life, but as a young boy, he had a head full of thick hair and I got it.  Baby and Brother weren't so lucky.

A quick temper which tends to kill the messenger.  I didn't like this in my dad, and I don't like it in me.  But, it's in me whether I like it or not.

A love of books.  I read all the time.  All. The. Time.  I have a book in my car so I can read if I'm waiting on a train or for an appointment.  Books surround my chair, my bed, the guest room bed, everywhere in my house.  A good book is like a good meal; I'll revisit it over and over again.  On the night Dad died I was reading to him, from a book I checked out at the library on his library card.

A curiosity about life and people.  Being naturally curious about things is so great!  It makes even the most mundane activities an adventure.  Dad never met a stranger and he was the smartest person I ever knew (although Brother is a very close second).  Dad's knowledge came about because he was, above all else, curious.

A heart for the underdog and a sense of right and wrong.  Dad was a true champion for the downtrodden.  He not only talked the talk, but he walked the walk.  During his life in Dodge City, he was involved in many activities that impacted the lives of many people in western Kansas.  The same could be said about his years in the legislature.

A commitment to National Public Radio.  Dad had NPR set on every radio he owned.  No one was allowed to change the station.  Heaven help you if you did.  No really.  Heaven help you.  Even if Dad was asleep and you were driving him to, say, Utah  for a vacation, and all you could hear was static.  Even if you changed the station to another station that was still talk radio and not that crazy rock and roll shit.  Even then, heaven help me, I mean, you.

Confidence, laughter, joy.  The list could go on and on.

My dad gave me life and love.

And a kind of crazy toe.

June 16, 2012 Family Fun

Tonight the whole family came for supper.  CB grilled fajitas and I  heated up the tortillas.  Baby brought guacamole and Brother brought ice cream.  It was a true pot luck affair.

Baby's husband (the same guy who came and picked me up when the chair I was sitting in threw my ass to the ground - and I wet my pants) had just completed Bike Across Kansas.  He entertained us with stories of his travels which got the giggle pump primed for major laughs.

Baby got tuned up and we laughed until we cried. All I can report is that a bathroom emergency was involved and those are always good for a few laughs.  Always.

It was a grand evening and made me happy that I am the middle child in a family that is miles away from normal.

Friday, June 15, 2012

June 15, 2012 How Many Smith's Does It Take to Air Up a Tire?

Brother brought his bike to Kansas,.  Apparently, it is less hilly here than in Colorado.  He is a bit mechanically challenged meaning that he is a complete dumb ass.

He came to Baby's house wanting to air up the tires on his bike, but first he had to put the front wheel on the bike.  He had taken it off  in order to transport the bike in the backseat of his car.  Baby "helped" him and after they had determined it was "righty tighty" and "lefty loosey", they got the wheel attached.

But then Brother decided he needed to air up the tires so Baby got the air compressor fired up.  Twenty minutes later, we finally had to call CB to come and show us how to put air in the tires.  We had succeeded in taking the air OUT of both tires.  

Brother took the bike for a spin around the cul de sac and determined that the tires were fine,  However, he had no brakes.  

But, he said that he didn't need brakes to ride to St. George and back.

P.S.  I got cleared at PT today to walk at the house without a cane!!!!

June 14, 2012 Grandpa Judge

What a wonderful day for my family.  The Washburn University School of Law presented the lifetime achievement award to my grandfather, William A. Smith, who graduated in 1914.  Don and I went to the awards luncheon in Overland Park and our cousin, Merri, and her son met us there.  Merri and Josh flew in from Austin.  

Grandpa Judge was born in Valley Falls, Kansas, to a very poor family.  During his early years he was faced with many challenges and considered "slow" by his teachers.  He wore hand me down clothes and even had to wear his sister's old shoes to school.

In high school, Grandpa was ready to quit.  He was tired of being considered stupid.  But, the high school principal saw something in Bill Smith and encouraged him to become involved in debate.  Grandpa realized that he could think of his feet and give a speech.  The world opened up to him and he decided to attend Washburn University where he studied law.

After pursuing Pancho Villa and fighting in WWI, Grandpa became Assistant Attorney General of Kansas.  He was then elected Attorney General where he fought the KKK and was successful in revoking their charter and thus making them illegal in Kansas.  Even though crosses were burned in his yard, my grandfather did not back down.  He fought the Klan in Kansas and won.

He was also proud of his battle against John Brinkley the goat gland doctor.  This crazy son of a bitch convinced men that if they came to Milford and had the testicles of goats (yes, you read that right) implanted in their scrotums, their virility would be restored.  I am not making this up.  So, Grandpa got after him and his license was revoked.

Shortly thereafter, Grandpa was elected to the Kansas Supreme Court where he served from 1930 to 1957.  He was Chief Justice when he retired.  Like my dad, once he became a judge, that's what everyone called him.

Grandpa was friends with Alf Landon and rode the Sunflower Express with Alf during his ill-fated  presidential campaign.  No one ran for state office in the Republican party without asking my grandpa first.  But his Republican party was the party of the little guy, the party of the disenfranchised, the party that was liberal and spoke for those who couldn't speak for themselves.  NOT the repuglican party of today.

Grandpa Judge was against the death penalty, having had to sentence a man to die.  He believed that someone needed to stand up for the little guy and that someone was him.

Every summer he and Grandma Ada went to Colorado, where my family would join them for 2 weeks in August.  It was a wonderful time.  Grandpa Judge was bigger than life and had a lap that could hold me for hours while I read to him.  He knew that writing for me was a bit difficult because I am left handed, so he bought a blackboard and would sit and watch me write.  

This man who started from very humble beginnings was a voracious reader, a lover of  music, theatre and sports.  He never learned to drive - - my grandmother drove him everywhere he needed to go and he never met a stranger.  I can remember walking in the state capital with him and getting a bit impatient because he stopped and talked to everyone.  Every. One.  Every. Single. Person.  

And, he loved Washburn University.  His 3 sons graduated from there, 2 of whom (Walker and Don) went on to law school.  All three of Don's kids went to Washburn; Brother and me got our law degrees and Baby got her undergraduate (and Mrs.) from there.  

It was time for him to be recognized by the Alumni Association, if you ask me.

This is Don looking at the awards luncheon program.  You can't tell, but he is looking at the page that contains Grandpa's photo and biography.

Don accepted the award on behalf of our family.  He was quite articulate and appropriate.  Not like he is in real life.

This is Don, Merri and Josh after the luncheon.  I'm not in the photo because someone had to actually take the picture, right?

Baby had an exam in a summer class she is taking at K State this summer so she couldn't attend the luncheon.  After her exam, she picked up Mom and they met the rest of us in Kansas City for a mini reunion.
Kim brought a box of old pictures of Uncle Walker and Aunt Nita (Merri's parents) and it was fun to go through them with Merri.
Another thing that was fun was hearing stories (sometimes the same story) from another point of view, i.e. Merri's.   It was a great time.

Josh and Merri flew back to Austin, but promised to come back for a longer visit.

Don and I drove back to Wamego by way of Lawrence and Topeka.

Can I just say that today I was especially glad to be a Smith.  I come from very good stock.

June 13, 2012 Crazy Day

Today started out like any other day.  

Then alarms started blaring and a mechanical voice was telling me that an emergency had been reported in my building and to get the hell out. 

Back in the olden days, I would never leave the building.  It was just too much trouble and I decided to go down the ship as it were.

But then the Junior Fire Deputies, who are important only when the alarm goes off, ORDER everyone out.  That's right, they ORDER everyone to leave.  As I may have mentioned before, I'm nothing if not a rule follower, especially when someone who wants to be important is ORDERING me to leave.

Anyway, there was a "fire emergency" this afternoon, which means that someone bumped the fire alarm, and the building was evacuated.  For me, that meant that I had to hobble my crippled ass out of the building and across the street where I had to stand until the emergency was no longer an emergency (which took longer than you might think).

I was back at my desk for only a few minutes when I got a call from Luke.  My Mazda was sitting by the side of Highway 99, having given up the ghost.  Luke needed me to come get him.  I needed to get the hell out of Hell so everyone was a winner.  Except for my Mazda.

My Mazda belonged to my wonderful step-mother and when she was in her last illness and couldn't drive any longer, I decided to buy the car.  It spent its entire life with my folks in a garage and being driven very kindly.

Now, 12 years later, it has 190,000 miles on it and has more than its share of rust.  I suppose I should have driven around all those puddles instead of through them.  But what fun would that have been?

Unfortunately for Luke, he has not had great luck while driving cars belonging to other people.  He was driving CB's golf cart and it shot craps.  He was driving the Sable and it broke down.  He was driving CB's Pontiac and the transmission went out.  Now this. 

The way I look at it is that if Luke had not been driving, I would have been.  Better him than me.

We had the car towed to a shop and I am afraid that the cost to fix it will be more than the car is worth. Which is about $47.19.

June 12, 2012 I Laughed Out Loud

I was at the natatorium today wandering around, checking out the weight room and the pool.  I turned a corner and about ran into this door.  It was standing wide open.  I laughed out loud then dug out my camera.

Why was this picture worthy?
This is why:

June 11, 2012 RX

I've never been a big one to exercise so if there were a pill which would provide the same results, I'd be the first in line.  Actually, I'd use my new knee to kick the ass of whoever was first in line.

Now that I've not been able to walk, let alone exercise, I find that I miss it.  Oh, I'll deny I said it, but I can't wait until I can get out and about, walking to my mom's or to the grocery store or wherever I want.

I'm headed to the pool next week (the sound you'll hear will be me screaming as I try to stuff all my bits and pieces into the sausage casing I call a swimming suit) which will be sort of like exercise - - after all, I'll work up a sweat getting my suit on.

Even if there was a pill to take the place of exercise, it would never take the place of the joy of cramming myself into a tube of spandex and throwing myself into a hole filled with water.  And skinny college girls.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

June 10, 2012 My Champion

My husband was very successful at the golf tournament this weekend.

He and his partner (not that kind of partner) took second in their flight and second in the calcutta (I am not sure I understand all that.  No, I am totally sure I don't understand it.  At. All.)

Taking second means they were in the money.  They won money!!

I was so excited.

Clearly, CB was excited as well.

June 9, 2012 One Legged Baker

What a very, very big day at my house.

I baked chocolate chip cookies this morning!  All by myself.

There is nothing like a warm chocolate chip cookie to help you face the day.

Later in the morning, I went to Target in Manhattan where I wandered around and spent too much money.

It's the weekend of the Member Guest golf tournament at the Wamego Country Club which means that I won't see CB until Sunday night.  Hope he wins a lot of money because I paid all my medical bills this morning!

Actually, they weren't too bad:  the hospital bill was $55,000 (that's right fifty five thousand dollars) and I had to pay $95.  Ninety five dollars.   I love health insurance.

June 8, 2012 No Longer In A Hurry

I stayed at work a little longer this afternoon than I had planned.  PT was scheduled for 5:00 and I wanted to get there early so I could work out before seeing the therapist.

By taking Zeandale Road home, I figured I had plenty of time.  I figured wrong.

They are resurfacing the road which means it was down to one lane, complete with a pilot car.  My great plan to get to PT early evaporated right in front of my eyes.

I sat on the roadway, waiting and waiting, and instead of getting worked up, I decided to rejoice in the fact that it's Friday, FRIDAY!! and that I'll get to PT when I get there.  No use in getting my panties in a bunch.

PT in fact waited for me.  It didn't start until I got there.

At the end of  PT, Steve took me to a ballet bar (which is not a bar where the waitresses wear toe shoes), told me to put my index fingers on the bar and stand on my right leg.


Did he forget that my right leg has an artificial knee?  Is he crazy?

No.  Yes.

I did it!  I stood on my right leg!  It was amazing.  I was so proud!

I did not fall down.  I did not scream or swear.  It didn't seem like PT at all.

June 6, 2012 Steps

This is where I spent time this afternoon....on the New Step machine, bending and straightening my knee and generally feeling sorry for myself.  Why hasn't my recovery been as quick as I thought it was going to be?               I can't work any harder than I am (which may or may not be the truth) and I'm just so weary.

There I sat in an air conditioned gym, working out in relative comfort and complete safety, it dawned on me that today is June 6th, D Day.

My dad jumped into France on D Day and helped to liberate Ste Mere Egles.  I imagine he did it with a minimum amount of bitching and complaining.  He put his head down and got the job done that he set out to do.

That's what my dad did all of his life:  got the job done.  He never wasted time with "what if's" or "why me's".  He just did it.  In fact, Nike stole their slogan from my old man.  Just. Do. It.

So, my plan today is to keep my life and events in my life in perspective, to focus on the future and not the past and to get the job done.  It will be with baby steps that this is accomplished, but I'll do it.   I. Will. Do. It.

June 4, 2012 How It's Measured

You know how I am always going on and on about the degree my knee can bend?  And how important it is?  The bend is measured by this device.  It's called gonni-something, but I call it the Gonadometer because it really measured the size of one's gonads.  Right now, I tell you for sure, I have enormous gonads.  E. Nor. Mous.

It used to be that when my physical therapist would bring out the gonadometer my heart would stop.  Now I become a bit George Bushy and say "bring it on"!

For those of you playing at home, my current knee bend is 102 degrees without puking.  My goal is 110, also without puking.

I big on the whole not puking thing.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

June 2, 2012 Western Kansas

Luke and I made a trip to Dodge today so I could put some flowers at the cemetery.  I know I'm a week past Memorial Day, but it's the thought that counts, right?

Wheat harvest is in full swing all across Kansas.  It's like watching a ballet comprised of heavy equipment and Mother Nature.

The colors of harvest are spectacular: the cornflower blue sky and the golden wheat are peppered with John Deere green.

Luke and I laughed all the way to Dodge and back.   He cracks me up when I least expect it.

We stopped at the Brookville Hotel for chicken on the way home.  CB was a very happy guy when we pulled into the drive way!

May 30, 2012 Driver's Ed

This smile is because I am driving!!!!

I hung up my keys in late March and I began driving again today.

I had forgotten what independence feels like.  Luke and CB have been wonderful about driving me wherever I want  to go, but to do it alone, to do it alone was indescribable.

I've turned a lot of corners in my recovery and this is certainly one of them.

The next corner?  Showering at home.  Surely, that can't be too far away, can it?

May 29, 2012 These Boots Were Made for Walkin'

No physical therapy yesterday since it was a holiday - - a holiday during which I did absolutely nothing.  It was heaven.

When CB got home from the golf course, I asked him if we could go for a walk.  That's right, a walk!

In Wamego, we have a great softball/baseball complex and the designers included a concrete trail that goes around the entire complex with a distance of about a mile.  It's not completely level, either.  There is a bit of an incline along one side.

So, that's where we went.  CB thought I wanted to walk around the parking lot.

CB was wrong.

Me and my cane (that's right, no walker!) took off like a herd of turtles and Buddy and CB strolled along side of me.  I walked and I walked and I walked and I walked.  Finally, I made it all the way around.  I was dripping with sweat and wasn't sure I had enough energy to climb into the pickup, I dug deep and hoisted my ass into the truck where I unceremoniously collapsed.

I was so proud!

I was so sore!

I was so glad to see ice packs!

May 27, 2012 Hole in One Revisited

A couple of weeks ago (maybe more, time has sort of run together for me) CB got his second hole in one.  This most recent accomplishment was on hole #17 and he is only the second person to get an ace on this hole.

Tonight was a beautiful so CB took me to the Country Club, loaded me into his golf cart, and we tootled out   to #17 so I could get a photo suitable for framing (along with the score card and the prize ball).

The light wasn't great, so this isn't the photo I'll frame but it's still a good shot of CB.  After the photo session, we drove all over the golf course.  It was a beautiful evening and was the longest I've been outside in months.  The wind on my face put a song in my heart.  A song in my heart meant that I had no choice but to belt it out at the top of lungs.

CB regretted not bringing his stereo receiver.

May 25, 2012 ONE HUNDRED

Picture if you will one hundred dollars, lined end to end. Or one hundred ice cream sundaes all ready to be snarfed down.  Or one hundred vacation days to spend doing whatever you want, wherever you want.

Now, imagine bending your new knee (that is, if you have a new knee.  If you don't, then feel free to picture my new knee) one hundred degrees.

It wasn't that long ago that I rejoiced in a bend of seventy eight degrees and shook my head when told that ninety degrees was my goal.

Then I reached ninety...and felt like I was going to puke.

Then I got to ONE HUNDRED!

Oh, there was screaming, and groaning, and snorting, and breath holding, and heavy breathing. The patients in the waiting room were getting nervous.  The receptionist came in to see if I had given birth to a boy or a girl.

It was a big day so naturally, I didn't have my camera.  I promise to post one sometime soon.  I will visit one hundred degrees again.  It's a nice place to be as long as I don't pass out.  Or pass gas.