Actually, today was one of those perfect days: snacks and naps all around, the Chiefs won, CB was on the golf course and I didn't have to play well with others.
CB got this puzzle from Luke for Christmas. It's of Wamego (you order it online and a company in the UK makes it.) and in the center of the puzzle is our house and that piece is shaped like a house. I can't wait to put it together.
Maybe some evening this week? It has to be a time that we can agree to watch the same thing on TV...oh, maybe during the KU-KSU game or the Cotton Bowl? I'll post a picture when it's completed.
Don't you just love the promise that a new year brings? I do. I can't wait to find out what it has in store for me.
Hope it has to do with money and weight. And by that I mean: more money and less weight.
I'm not holding my breath!