Sooo, I got up and made some!
I love being a grown up and baking anytime of the day, or night! Warm cookies, cold milk.
Oh yeah. It was wonderful!
If you are quiet, you'll hear me laughing about this second picture. When I saw these two vehicles parked so close together, I drove around the parking garage until I could pull in and take a picture.
But then, when I loaded the picture onto my blog, I realized that the driver of the car on the right got out on the right. The driver's doors are not side by side. Why in the world did I think they were? What was I even thinking? I am such a dumb ass.
I am laughing as I write this. Seriously, what the hell was I thinking? I thought it was such a great picture and I was thinking about what I would write. I was all "oh I bet the driver was so skinny and thought it would be funny to park so close to another car. One more reason I hate skinny people and think they should all be sent to live in Texas." I was having such righteous indignation for the poor driver of the other vehicle.
But now, I see that what I thought I saw was not at all what I actually saw.
I'll pay closer attention next time.
I did have a good laugh.
Along with a warm chocolate chip cookie.