There are a couple of reasons for this. First, far be if for me to haul my lazy ass downstairs unless food is involved. Second, CB is not above tootling upstairs if he needs to.
So, it makes complete sense that CB got portable intercoms for Christmas. Isn't that the rule of gifts? That you should get something for someone that you would want to get for yourself? Yes it is too the rule. Just ask any mother. Okay, just ask my mother.
Let's see, the installation of the intercoms involves taking them out of the box and plugging them in. Pretty scientific stuff , glad we have an engineer in the family.
Got them plugged in today.
There I was minding my own business, reading a book, curled up with Buddy, when the voice came out of nowhere "HHHEEEEEELLLLOOOOOO?????"
Scared the shit out of me.
CB thought it was hilarious.
I may be sorry that this was my choice for a Christmas present.