We went to dinner, of course. All good shopping trips begin with a meal, right? Then we tootled over to Sears to pick out a vacuum; so many choices, so few sales people. Under normal circumstances not having sales people hovering about is a good thing, but tonight, we could have used some help.
Luke stepped up and took control of the situation...perhaps he has a future in retail sales. If mechanical and nuclear engineering doesn't pan out, that is.
We compared labels, boxes, colors, name brands, prices, and decided on this little bit of magic.
Ahem. Moving on.
Then there's Ottis' Story. I don't know Ottis' story. I may never know it. I'm not sure why his story is on the box of my new sweeper.
Oh, one last thing, there is an attachment for the sweeper hose to be used to clean up dog hair. The owner's manual clearly states you are not to use it on your dog.
Glad I read the manual from cover to cover or I might have made that mistake.