I can diagram a sentence with the best of them, but try to figure out when a spinning meteor will hit the earth is beyond me. Oh, and the meteor is going to land in water so, really, who cares.
There I was, driving to meet my mom, sister and niece at the theatre to see "Joyful Noise" when I saw this. And followed it.
What I don't understand is how could the car being towed be so off center? Isn't that against Newton's 4th Law of Physics: a body being towed must be towed directly behind the towing vehicle or else.
I kept following this tow truck and waiting for something to happen - what I don't know, but this was just not right.
The driver kept looking at me in the rear view mirror. Could be because I was taking all kinds of pictures and shaking my head.
The things I do so you people have a picture to look at!
Learning physics, however is NOT one of them!