He is ready in record time and off we go.
Since I got so much done yesterday, when we got back from Manhattan, I decided to finish a book and didn't feel the least bit guilty about "reading" (readers from last year know that means sleeping).
That is, I didn't feel guilty until I realized that I had slept for 4 hours! And CB was due home from the golf course and a shower, which had been on my list of things to do, remained undone.
It was like having a party with your parents gone and finding out they were in Spearville and headed west. Oh, not like that ever happened to me. Or my brother.
It was a blur of assholes and elbows around here as I got up, made the bed, took a shower, got dressed and cleaned up my side of our bedroom that previously looked as though a family of migrant Mexicans had taken up residence. Whew!
CB came home and we were off for a night on the town.
Now, when you are my age (CB is 3 years younger than I am, and he won't let me forget it. Bless his heart.) you want the early movie for a couple of reasons: first, it's cheaper. I remember going to the movie as a kid for a quarter and popcorn was free (not really, but it sounds so good....). Cheap at the movies is not something that happens very often so I do what I can to keep the costs down. That includes taking my own soda. What's that you say? It's illegal to smuggle in drinks? Who knew? I still don't.
Second, if a movie starts early, there is every possibility that I will remain awake for the entire thing. Not a guarantee, mind you, just a strong possibility.
Third, if the movie is early the caffeine in the drinks I have smuggled in and consumed will not keep me awake.
So, we went to the 6:30 showing of "Sherlock Holmes 2" and really enjoyed it. The movie was fast paced and funny and the gigantic barrel of popcorn we bought was simply the icing on the cake! You see, you buy this barrel and get it filled up for $17 (keep reading......) but for the rest of the year, you get it filled up for $3. I know it's still highway robbery because the popcorn costs about 2 cents to make, but there is something about movie popcorn that makes my heart sing.
All in all it was a great day.
Topped off with popcorn!