Bless his heart.
While I would love to tell you that this photo was totally spontaneous and not at all set up, in the spirit of truthfulness upon which this blog is based (why is there laughing?), I must admit that it's posed.
I said, while holding my camera, "Make a sad face."
CB said nothing, saw that I was holding my camera, and made a sad face.
What a good sport.
Back to work tomorrow. I'll be glad to get away from all the housework that is calling my name (my full name, including all my name changes, that's how badly my house needs attention) and from that damn Wamego puzzle in the basement.
By the way, what does it mean when my son comes up to me and complains about the vacuum sweeper? Well, it means that hell has indeed frozen over and that it's time to get a new one.
Like my car, I've had my Kenmore canister vacuum for 12 years, 192,000 miles. It's time to put it out to pasture. I'll miss it though. It was kind of fun watching it suck up stuff and poop it back out the exhaust.
I want so much to make a bunch of jokes with the word "suck" in them, but I'm better than that.
Okay, I'm better than that today.
And I can't think of any right off the bat.