Luke asked to take my car to Manhattan today but when he got in, and tried to start it, that car was dead. D. E. A. D.
So dead, in fact, that the key wouldn't come out of the ignition.
Hummmmm. What to do?
CB was at the golf course, Luke went to Manhattan in a different vehicle. There were cookies to bake and naps to take, so I sure as hell wasn't going to do anything about it.
For Christmas, I gave CB a battery charger for his golf cart and lawn mower. Who knew that the first time he would use it would be to charge my new car?
I don't know exactly what I did (on FRIDAY when I came home from work) but whatever it was drained the battery. I think it had something to do with shutting the car off while it was still in drive, then putting the car into drive then getting out of the car. In other words, I left the key on.
Well, shit.
Again I say, living with me is always an adventure.
Not necessarily in paradise, but always an adventure.