It was raining to beat hell, so I suggested that perhaps there was no electricity so the doors wouldn't work. He said that control pad lit up (it's battery operated, which I patiently explained.) but the doors wouldn't open.
The only person who lives in this house with a house key is Luke. Luke, the same guy who is, even as I write this, soaking up the sun in San Antonio.
I told CB to wait for me - I'd be home in a minute.
As I pulled into my little town I noticed that the stop lights weren't lit, the kwik stop was dark, the grocery store had no lights, the liquor store get the picture. No electricity.
I pulled into the driveway to find CB waiting for me and wondering, I'm sure how to get into our house.
We talked for a minute - no longer than that - before it dawned on me.
About 2 weeks ago, Luke accidentally broke the piece of shit handle on our sliding glass door. The only thing between us and the big, bad outside world, is the sliding screen door. In other words: nothing.
I told CB that I'd be right back and I tootled to the back, up the steps to the deck, popped the screen off its runner and opened the door.
The moment I got inside, THE MOMENT, the power came on! I walked to the garage pushed the 2 garage door buttons and crisis was solved.
I am not sure I could break into houses for a living for several reasons:
1. I would be afraid of their dogs. Buddy scared me enough and he KNOWS me.
2. I only found my way because it was light outside. A good burglar probably works in the night time and, in the night time? I'm asleep.
3. This only worked because I knew the door was broken and would slide right open. Had I met with any resistance whatsoever, I would have abandoned the operation.
4. Frankly, it's too damn much work. If I hadn't had to go to the bathroom in the worst way, I'm not sure I would have even broken into my own house!
Glad Luke is coming home tomorrow, there's a door that needs fixing.