No physical therapy yesterday since it was a holiday - - a holiday during which I did absolutely nothing. It was heaven.
When CB got home from the golf course, I asked him if we could go for a walk. That's right, a walk!
In Wamego, we have a great softball/baseball complex and the designers included a concrete trail that goes around the entire complex with a distance of about a mile. It's not completely level, either. There is a bit of an incline along one side.
So, that's where we went. CB thought I wanted to walk around the parking lot.
CB was wrong.
Me and my cane (that's right, no walker!) took off like a herd of turtles and Buddy and CB strolled along side of me. I walked and I walked and I walked and I walked. Finally, I made it all the way around. I was dripping with sweat and wasn't sure I had enough energy to climb into the pickup, I dug deep and hoisted my ass into the truck where I unceremoniously collapsed.
I was so proud!
I was so sore!
I was so glad to see ice packs!