Picture if you will one hundred dollars, lined end to end. Or one hundred ice cream sundaes all ready to be snarfed down. Or one hundred vacation days to spend doing whatever you want, wherever you want.
Now, imagine bending your new knee (that is, if you have a new knee. If you don't, then feel free to picture my new knee) one hundred degrees.
It wasn't that long ago that I rejoiced in a bend of seventy eight degrees and shook my head when told that ninety degrees was my goal.
Then I reached ninety...and felt like I was going to puke.
Then I got to ONE HUNDRED!
Oh, there was screaming, and groaning, and snorting, and breath holding, and heavy breathing. The patients in the waiting room were getting nervous. The receptionist came in to see if I had given birth to a boy or a girl.
It was a big day so naturally, I didn't have my camera. I promise to post one sometime soon. I will visit one hundred degrees again. It's a nice place to be as long as I don't pass out. Or pass gas.