Monday, October 8, 2012

October 7, 2012 Another Pretty Good Day

My other son, Paul, frequent contributor to last year's blog, was in Manhattan for the KU-K State game this weekend.  We met for breakfast on Sunday morning at Bob's.  I could tell Paul had had a good time during his visit because he drank a whole lot of water!  I remember those hungover days of wanting nothing but a greasy breakfast and a gallon of water.

It was so great to see Paul and hear all about his new job and his new life in Iowa City.  He is headed for big things and I am so glad I'm along for the ride.  We have agreed that I will wait to go for a visit until he gets furniture.  Dang, if I had to sit on the floor, that's where my fat, crippled ass would stay until Iowa City Crane and Towing came to lift me up!

As if seeing Paul wasn't excitement enough, I got to put on my real left  shoe and walk for 20 minutes.  It felt great to walk like a regular person.  Okay, maybe not a regular person because I had to use my walker. (thank you Steve Land for those instructions)

Here's proof that I do have matching trainers.
And can find them.  (it wasn't easy, I might say...I haven't needed a left shoe for THREE months.)