I was wandering around on Craigslist looking for nothing in particular. There is some crazy shit out there to buy, trade, hire, etc.
For example, someone in Dodge City was looking for a ride to Denver. Hmmmm.....who could be wanting to go to Denver? Anyone I know? Who would want to spend 15 hours in a car with a complete stranger? And by "stranger", I mean someone from Dodge City.
I read on: "I'm a 22 year old male who just graduated from college and is going on a hitchhiking trip and on July 9th, I need a ride from Dodge City to as close as possible to Denver."
What. The. Fuck.
It's a hitchhiking trip. HITCHHIKING. You know, where you stick your thumb out and hope that someone who is not an ax murderer stops and gives you a ride.
Hitchhiking, it seems to me is made up of 2 words: hitch, that's the part with your thumb and hiking, that's the part where you walk to your destination.
This must be the new generation of hitchhikers. Don't leave your house until you have a ride lined up. The basic elements are there: free ride; with a stranger.
A rose by any other name, I suppose.