When I got to work this morning, I realized that I had this button clipped on a bag that I don't use very often. In fact the last time I used it was probably in Texas at the Tribunal. I couldn't let a perfectly good Jayhawk button go to waste so I "shared" it with two of my favorite people: Nick and Grant, the Supreme Leaders of Student Government at K State.
Yeah, it wasn't too much later that this picture appeared on my wall:
The picture of Satan is up really high and I can't reach it and I'm crippled, you know. It's in my direct line of vision when I look up from my desk which causes me to vomit a little every time I see it.
Nick, Grant and I came to a compromise of sorts. We agreed to see who could stand the other's "joke" the longest. Can they leave the button longer than I can leave the photo?
I am typically stubborn and will do whatever I can to win any kind of bet.
Tomorrow I am taking a step stool to work.